About Us

At Easy Security we are aware of the never-ending threats companies must deal with, and how difficult and expensive technologies and manpower are.

Therefore, we started this project with the idea of creating an entire cloud-based software, carefully thought to protect big corporations as well as small businesses.

  • Up to date with the latest security trends
  • Easy to use interface
  • Fast deploy and configuration

We provide a unified solution to secure your company assets and solve the basics and not-so-basics that your business needs to improve its cybersecurity posture.

Our Values

Diversity and teamwork

We bring together diversity through teamwork, through thinking, culture, we bring more perspectives to the table.


Simple does not mean unrefined, it means we will go about creating and implementing what you need in the most efficient way possible in terms of time, capital and staff.


We are in pursue of all the latest products and services to achieve excellence. We encourage innovative thinking in our teams of professionals.

Our Software


Easy Security provides a cloud-based software (SAAS) to secure your company - a unified solution to solve all the basics (and not-so-basics) you must cover to ensure your cybersecurity posture.

We minimize your cybersecurity complexity to allow you to focus on your business.


Every feature we develop is created with your security in mind and what you & your business need to have a more secure presence on the internet.


You don’t have to spend a fortune on infrastructure or manpower nor create an R&D program to be up to date on cybersecurity matters. We keep your cybersecurity posture updated day-to-day.